Eng 48A
Journal on Emerson
Journal on Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Nothing is at last sacred, but the integrity of our own mind." (Norton Pg. 1165)
In this quote, Emerson describes the importance of non-conformity. A recurring theme throughout self-reliance, he believed that fighting conformity was the only way to be true to one's self and, in doing so, he believed that one's 'Inner genius' would be unleashed.
In many ways Emerson's words ring true. It is important to listen to
the inner thoughts, and desires that we all have, but at the same time, I disagree. There are various repressed impulses, inherent in all of mankind, that are better off that way. Society is bound by certain laws and mannerisms, and it is necessary to conform to them because society simply cannot support it's population if the people within it act upon their every desire. The social structure that has evolved with the human race serves a purpose, and it is necessary to keep it functioning. Even in the smallest of societies, social structure is necessary. It keeps mankind civilized. In the end, I find that Emerson's philosophy is unrealistic, and one that can only be practiced either by those with absolutely nothing to lose, or those that are so well off that it doesn't quite matter. On the other hand, Emerson was an idealist surrounded by friends and intellectuals, set apart from the city life. Perhaps his philosophy expects a certain civility amongst men and women. Taken in small doses, being true to one's self can have it's benefits, leading to provocative creativity, and thought-provoking philosophies, but taken too far, it inevitably leads to chaos. After all, not everyone can live in the woods.
"Society acquires new arts, and loses old instincts." (Transcendentalists.com)
In this quote, Emerson describes the cost we pay for society: As society advances, man becomes more and more dependent upon it. By living in a society, we give up on individuality, and come to depend and rely on society as if it were a part of ourselves, necessary to our survival.
agree with Emerson. Society dulls many of the hardships that are faced by those that live alone. One doesn't have to fight to survive in a society, rather one must work, and be productive to support the society that protects him. Society forces the individual to conform to it, and rely on it making it illegal to 'take the law into one's own hands'. Being unable to rely on one's self, man comes to rely on the laws, and protections of society. This can be crippling to those that live at the bottom of society however, that bear no advantage from society's protection. Having been born into the society, the lower class can't just hike off into the woods, and live off of the land because society has turned the land into a nature reserve with 'no camping' sign's posted all around the entrances. They have to put up with the society that they were born into. They have to pay their taxes, work, and hope that someday they will be more than the guy doing dishes for five dollars an hour. In the end, there is no escaping society for better or worse.
In this quote, Emerson describes the importance of non-conformity. A recurring theme throughout self-reliance, he believed that fighting conformity was the only way to be true to one's self and, in doing so, he believed that one's 'Inner genius' would be unleashed.
In many ways Emerson's words ring true. It is important to listen to

"Society acquires new arts, and loses old instincts." (Transcendentalists.com)
In this quote, Emerson describes the cost we pay for society: As society advances, man becomes more and more dependent upon it. By living in a society, we give up on individuality, and come to depend and rely on society as if it were a part of ourselves, necessary to our survival.
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